Recent Testimonial
After her first "LittleBlackDress" Package
Morning Laurie,
I just wanted to give you an update since our session. First, I ABSOLUTELY enjoyed the services and YOU. Your passion and kindness put me at ease and made the entire experience that more enjoyable, so thank you!
After the package I did have a wicked migraine headache until early evening Sunday. My urine had a distinct odor but no odd color. After about 4pm on Sunday- I felt fantastic. Energized, lighter- my hair feels fuller and thicker. I felt the difference most in my arms- noticeable tighter. Since then I have been to the gym 4 times this week and think it was definitely worth the kick start to get me going. I only weigh myself once a week so I will know tomorrow how much poundage I have taken off. Regardless on the number, I truly feel better overall both physically and mentally.
I will most definitely be back and look forward to spending more time with you.