Saturday, November 9, 2013

Recent Testimonial

After her first "LittleBlackDress" Package

Morning Laurie,

I just wanted to give you an update since our session. First, I ABSOLUTELY enjoyed the services and YOU. Your passion and kindness put me at ease and made the entire experience that more enjoyable, so thank you!

After the package I did have a wicked migraine headache until early evening Sunday. My urine had a distinct odor but no odd color. After about 4pm on Sunday- I felt fantastic. Energized, lighter- my hair feels fuller and thicker. I felt the difference most in my arms- noticeable tighter. Since then I have been to the gym 4 times this week and think it was definitely worth the kick start to get me going. I only weigh myself once a week so I will know tomorrow how much poundage I have taken off. Regardless on the number, I truly feel better overall both physically and mentally.

I will most definitely be back and look forward to spending more time with you.


Friday, October 25, 2013

Medicupping for the Hips/Thighs/Legs

My Client, Val, had wanted to know if this REALLY would work so decided to do one leg only to compare against the other.  Wallah ... after 2 treatments on just the right leg here are her comments:

"Good morning!
I measured yesterday but didn't write it down but I think both legs were over 24". 24.5 to 24.75" to be exact.
Left leg is 24.25" now and right leg is ........drum roll.

I don't want to wait for left leg now."

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Amazing work today on my own body
Old Shin Splints

Just had to share a little tidbit about the Medicupping ... decided to work on my own body a bit while I had a break ... started working on my legs, starting with my knees ... realized some tight spots around the knee cap and the insertion point of the IT band ... then worked up the IT band on both thighs (eeek ... contributes to a lot of knee and hip problems) ... funny how during the work I could remember feelings in this part of my leg going WAY BACK .. tightness when I used to ride horses, sking and even dancing.
Then I went down to my ankle and started working the outside of the calve  ... aha .. there it was ... the source of the old outer calve/shin tightness that has stopped me for years from running or doing Jazzersize classes ... I would say this goes back to the 70's ... would ALWAYS get shin splints after about 2 weeks of that kind of activity ... I've been told many times that it was as a result of calve muscles that are too tight ... could never find the spot until TODAY!!!!   Wallah ... keep you posted!!!!

Friday, October 11, 2013


What if we're not FAT? (or even SICK?) ... "Solid Bloat"
Medicupping (or Massage Cupping) for Detoxification, Body Cleansing and Contouring
(excerpts from Blog by Anita Shannon)

"Let's take a look at the formation of Solid Bloat in the body and some of it's causes.  The physical formation of the deposits is simple; heat from inflamed tissue slowly dehydrates the surrounding lymph, which inhibits any further drainage.  Fascia fuses together from the heat and the congestion spreads through the upper tissues and skin surface.  This inflammation can come from a myriad of sources such as surgeries, injuries, chronic movement patters, and even childhood diseases and exposure to toxicities ... resulting in unidentified allergies.

The surprise for so many people is that they have chronic conditions that may have been caused by something so long ago in their life, such as being exposed to excessive cigarette smoke as a child.  There is a whole group of us that grew up in the 40's - 70's and had to endure our parents smoking in the house and the car.  As the cups move over the back, a grey color can be seen under the skin, and if a cup is parked for even a short time, the discoloration may stay visible after the treatment.  The chronic heat in the lungs ... from childhood ... inflames and dehydrates the surrounding tissue and body fluids.

The epidural insertion point can often still be seen on women who gave birth over 25 years ago and can frequently be a source of restriction that has spread throughout the back. 

One student, 29, experienced her skin turning very yellow after the first day of class (training workshop).  There seemed to be no reasonable explanation until she called her mother and found out that she had been severely jaundiced as a baby.  She then shared with the class that she had always had problems bending forward because of a "catch" in the lower right ribs.  Her class partner worked that day over her liver and the student finally discovered the freedom of movements that most of us normally enjoy.

Some clients can experience a light "burning" sensation or itching as old toxins in the tissues are stimulated, and heavy discolorations can appear on the skin from old surgeries and injuries.  Any old residue in the congested lymph can trigger the immune system and it is important to dredge and drain the tissues slowly in those who already live with auto-immune disorders and degenerative diseases.  But what an amazing benefit for those conditions ... to drain out the thick congestion that can be filled with a large volume of immune system irritants!

What impact could we have on those who are recovering from addictions?  If the Solid Bloat on these people contains a large residue of their addictive substance, it would be extremely beneficial to drain out the congestion and remove the triggers for cell receptors. 

Examining the natural body reaction to injury or illness, we find that the cycle is consistent.  Injury or illness occurs and the body creates inflammation, which brings increased blood flow to the area.  This also draws fluids and immune system elements into the region to deal with the condition.  The PH shifts to acid and the tissue takes on a positive charge polarity.  Adequate recovery will allow the body to shift back to a negative charge in the tissue and an alkaline PH when healing is complete. 

The problem is that very few people actually give the body any recovery time. 

Therefore, the affected area or system stays in the acid PH with a positive charge and never shifts back to healthy tissue.  This can continue for life in the body!  Inflammation continues and dehydrates the tissue and lymph.  The toxins and debris from the immune system response become trapped in the congestion and the issue becomes chronic.

So how does vacuum therapy work to eliminate Solid Bloat and open drainage in the body?  The biggest impact is on the lymphatic system:  the vacuum will open and create space, release old scars and fascias adhesions to create unimpeded drainage, and aid in decongestion of the lymph in tissues.  As the cup glides over the skin and underlying tissue, the vacuum, should open the flaps of the lymph in a wave-like motion.  This can help to dislodge trapped protein molecules that may have been blocking an open flapp and gently triggers the entire lymphatic system. 

Vacuum therapies use "vascular dilation" to bring heat to the area and "liquefy" the old lymph for easy movement, and use the same vascular dilation to eliminate the latent inflammation from the tissue ... stopping the cycle. 

These techniques also assist in changing the PH and the polarity of the tissue to create a healthy environment and allow healing.  This can affect even very old injuries and finally free the tissue or joint to function at optimal levels.

Consider a person who cannot lose weight, whether slightly overweight to clinically obese and undergoing surgical procedures.  What a gift to their self esteem finally find out that some of the problem has been Solid Bloat.  

What a great treatment for a client to have old C-section scars comfortably released, and the restored lymph flow to the upper inguinal nodes significantly diminishing the large belly that she had carried around for years.  The best possible adjunct therapy for Bariatric surgeries is a series of Medicupping session to open the lymphatic system, dredge and drain old congestion and move it out to be eliminated.   When working on a client who has lost a large amount of weight, it is so rewarding to move a large "saddlebag" from one leg and have them stand up to compare the difference!

These kinds of results, and educating the client on how they may have come to be in the shape they are in, seem to offer a sense of relief to many.  It appears to lift some blame that they have placed on themselves as to why they have cellulite when they have a healthy lifestyle ... or why they have gained more and more weight over the years.  Viewing their body and tissues throught the cup offers insight into the history of their body experiences and how these have affected their current health."

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Comment after Kim's first ElectroBodySculpting Treatment:

"I hope you are having a wonderful weekend with all of this sunshine.

As per your request, I am writing to tell you what I've noticed after the EBS.  Wednesday night, I had a lot of trouble sleeping.  I was tired but also felt revved up in my body - a strange phenom.  I also had some mild aching in my upper legs and especially the left side and saddle bag.  I noticed it as I was tossing and turning throughout the night.

After the first night, I sort of felt sore-ish the next day and after that, I was fine.  I noticed my legs and stomach more just in how they felt (hard to explain).

It may sound strange, but I have a general sense of increased strength in my whole body. I have a small, thick wool area rug that is awkward and bit heavy to move with small hands.  Today I had to move it to pin my quilt.  I noticed that I was able to hold it firmly with my fingers, lift with my upper arms and shoulders, and place it on the floor without dropping it or feeling weak.  This is something I've had some difficulty with since I haven't been lifting weights or working out my muscles for some time.

I believe that everything I've been doing - wraps, protandim, decreasing sugar intake, etc., - are certainly aiding me in moving toward increased health and well-being.  The EBS is another great addition to my aresonal and I expect I will continue to get younger and younger as I purge and heal.

Thanks for having such a grand place and excellent tools to fix me up :)"

P.S.  Kim has done many InfraredBodyWraps up to this point to cleanse and prepare for the EBS.